Praise Band
Wednesday Night Rehearsals
in the Worship Center at 6:30PM
Whether you love to sing or play, feel God is calling you, or just want to find ways to help behind the scenes our praise band is always adding new members.
If you are interested in joining, reach out to set up a time to audition and join us.
Contact Matt Knesal at matthew.k@winfreechurch.org for more info.
Adult Choir
Wednesday Night Rehearsals
in the Choir Room at 7:00PM
The Winfree Choir is a non-auditioned troop of singers who love God, enjoy choral music, and share their lives with one another. The choir offers sustaining leadership for our vibrant and varied Traditional worship experience, strengthening congregational singing, and presenting a diverse selection of anthems from the Renaissance to the present day. If you enjoy the fun of learning, would welcome an intellectual and spiritual challenge, and can successfully match pitch vocally, the Winfree Choir is designed for you.
Contact Carol Hill at chill@winfreechurch.org
for more info.

Audio Visual Team
Audio visual volunteers are a crucial part of the worship ministry for both of our services. We look for anyone who is willing to learn! It's easier than you might think. Training is available, and we always welcome new volunteers.