Ageless Wonders
Every first Tuesday of each month, the Winfree Ageless Wonders offer programs featuring a host of important and entertaining topics, as well as warm fellowship. A brown-bag lunch begins at 11:30 a.m. Our program will begin after lunch around noon and last about an hour. Delicious desserts and beverages are provided. Join us for great fellowship, fun, and educational programs.
Contact: Betsy Harris
Visits, phone calls, notes, and cards are sent to senior adult shut-ins and/or those ill and unable to join us for worship. It is important to us to remain in contact with those unable to participate in worship services and church activities. If you or someone you know is a senior adult who is in need of a visit, call, or note, contact the office to let us know.

Helping Hands
This “handy” group of men and women from our congregation help our members- widows, single moms, families whose husbands and fathers are deployed, and anyone who is ill or disabled with small jobs and projects they're unable to accomplish themselves.